In today’s online environment one needs to assume failure when it comes to cybersecurity. The strategies that we craft and put forward at Kopax IT, makes the failure less likely and it also makes it easier to discover and respond to any breaches.
Early discovery is critical for the overall security of the online ecosystem. We believe that we all benefit from an online environment that is safer and more secure. To this end, we work closely with not only cities, but governments, enterprises, and customers around the country to help them assess, manage, and respond to risks.
Already today, more than half of us live in cities. By 2050, that number will grow to nearly 70%, or an additional 2.7 billion people. At the same time, we are experiencing a rise in internet connectivity, usage and reliance on technology, and with it an increased exposure to cybersecurity threats. The Microsoft Cyber 2025 Model predicts that there will be 4.7 billion Internet users in 2025, with nearly half coming online between 2012 and 2025.
The potential attack surface increases even further, if you consider the impact that the Internet of Things is likely to have. It is clear that we are becoming more connected, and therefore we all need to do more.
Cybersecurity has become a priority for public and private organizations around the world. Recent cyber-attacks have taken major financial and energy companies offline, and private and government networks have been penetrated with sensitive data ex-filtrated. As organisations increasingly rely on technology in their day-to-day business, it is getting increasingly important that they are smart about protecting their critical assets. Moreover, as an increasing number of governments adopt mandatory requirements for cybersecurity, it will become important for them to understand what their obligations in this space are under national law.
A strategy for cybersecurity can help them achieve that.
Any effective cybersecurity strategy should be:
- Risk-based. Assess risk by identifying threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences, and then manage it through mitigations, controls, costs, and other measures.
- Outcome-focused. Focus on the desired end state (rather than prescribing the means to achieve it), and measure progress toward that end state. Prioritized. Adopt a graduated approach to priorities, recognizing that disruption and failure are not equal among critical assets or across critical sectors.
- Optimise for adoption by the largest possible group of critical assets and implementation across the broadest range of critical sectors.
- Respectful of privacy and civil liberties. Include protections based upon the Fair Information Practice Principles and other internationally-accepted privacy and civil liberties policies, practices, and frameworks.
- Nationally and globally influenced. Integrate national and international standards to the maximum extent possible, keeping harmonization in mind.
An effective cybersecurity strategy must follow these critical steps:
- Build a risk-based approach to cybersecurity
- Set clear priorities
- Define minimum ICT security baselines
- Share and coordinate threat and vulnerability information
- Build incident response capabilities
- Boost public awareness, education, and workforce training
- Embrace public, private, and academic cooperation
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